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Jumping Cholla

Isn’t this a pretty flower?  It is a blossom on one of the most painful plant you never want to bump in to – the Jumping cholla (pronounced CHOY-yah). I’m not sure if “Jumping” is its official name. It is definitely a good descriptive term for this member of the Prickly pear family. As an   Read More >>

Tips for Toddler’s bedtime when camping

The first time you camp with a toddler make it a practice run. Remember, most of camping, but especially sleeping outside in a tent, under the stars, away from the familiar, is a new and, for some, scary. Pick a place close to home, such as a nearby campground or, perhaps, your backyard. And be   Read More >>

A Collection of Soup Recipes

These can be back-of-the-fire-and-let-it-cook-all-day soup recipes, that only gets better the longer it cooks, or you can make soup recipes at home, put a single serving into a Ziplock bag,  Freeze flat so it fits nicely in your cooler and defrost while in camp.  Note:  There soup recipes should make enough for four to six   Read More >>

Yellowstone NP with Grandchildren

It’s a little over one hour drive from our grandchildren’s house to the west gate of Yellowstone National Park. (Gallatin, Beaverhead and Deerlodge national forests are about 15 minutes away.) But like many, visiting a local tourist attraction is something seldom done. So, Grandma and Grandpa decided a day trip was in order. It took   Read More >>

Making Bug Free Moments and Memories

Next to bad weather, nothing spoils a camping trip faster than swarms of bugs. They bite, it hurts, itches, than swells, and turns red. And that is if you don’t have an allergic reaction and the insect isn’t carrying some illness like West Nile or Lyme. While there isn’t much you can do about the   Read More >>

Solitude of Thunder Basin NG

“Pushing cows ain’t easy like the movies said” from Garth Brooks’ songThe first thing is the topography of Thunder Basin National Grassland.  It has a rolling landscape with huge grass covered swells and an occasional cluster of trees, mainly cottonwoods.  The Black Hills NF is almost all vertical with pines and spruce growing out of   Read More >>

OMG – The dog has met up with a skunk!

It’s that time of year when we’ll have visits from feral skunks.    Once the sun goes down, our dog begs to be let outside.  This wouldn’t be a problem but you would think after being sprayed a couple of times, our dog would avoid repeating the stinky experience.  Apparently,  our dog thinks skunks are   Read More >>

Twin Lakes’ Pork and Mushroom Recipe

The chefs on television show “Chopped” have nothing on me when it comes to developing a recipe from unknown items.  I don’t think I’m unusual in that defrosting a freezer isn’t a favorite activity.  Therefore, my motorhome’s freezer can tend to get deeply encased in ice before I defrost it.  It is rather satisfying once   Read More >>

My Top Ten National Forest Campgrounds – Arizona

The diversity of Arizona’s landscape is reflected in the range of camping experiences one can find in this state. Here are a few of our personal favorites. The level of development at these campgrounds range from semi-wilderness camping experience to near recreational vehicle (RV) park-style campground. One of six Apache National Forest campgrounds in the   Read More >>

Packing for six months on the road – it isn’t easy

As our departure date approaches, all the big decisions have been made. By big, I mean we have a departure date, selected the national forests will be visiting and campgrounds to survey, our route is mapped, and all that stuff. I have my lists of what we need to take like laptops, medicines, files, etc.   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow