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Fried Biscuits and Donut Holes – two breakfast favorites

Cooking from scratch wasn’t my mom’s thing.  However, what she could do with a tube of refrigerated biscuits was amazing.  Fried biscuits and donut holes are two of my personal favorites.

Fried Biscuits

Open a tube of refrigerated biscuit and separate each biscuit.  Flour a flat surface and your rolling pin.  Put a biscuit on the floured surface and sprinkle a little more flour on the biscuit’s top.  Roll the biscuit out until its about the size of a saucer (4 to 5 inches across).  Cut a slit in the middle of the flatten biscuit and set aside.  Repeat until all the biscuits have been rolled flat.  Heat a generous amount of oil in a skillet.  Fry the biscuits to a golden brown around the edges and serve immediately with honey, jam, syrup, fruit, or whatever you have on hand.  Makes 10

Donut Holes

Heat a saucepan of oil (about 2 inches deep) over a medium high heat.  Open a tube of refrigerated biscuits and separate each biscuit.  Use a sharp knife to cut each biscuit into four pieces.  Drop pieces into hot oil (oil should be hot enough so when you poke the handle of a wooden spoon in it, tiny bubbles are seen coming from the spoon’s handle or 375 degrees) and fry to a dark golden brown all over.   (FYI: the donut holes usually turn over on their own but you might have to help a few).  Remove from oil and toss in a bowl, or brown paper bag, containing either powder sugar or cinnamon sugar.  Serve hot from the bowl or bag.  (Since they are “holes”, there are no calories, right?)  Makes 40

Here’s bowl of Mom’s Donut Holes tossed in powder sugar.  The sugar melts when it mixes with the powdered sugar so I will toss it just before serving so you have a glaze under the powder.  Now you can better understand why these are a breakfast favorite.

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0 thoughts on “Fried Biscuits and Donut Holes – two breakfast favorites”

  1. Levonne says:

    I am going to try both of these.

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Fred and Suzi Dow