This Grandma’s quiet time recipes
Quiet time with our time with grandchildren is a favorite activity when visiting them In reality, most of our time with our grandchildren has us running here and there so those quiet times are precious. Honestly, a rainy day is a great day to just enjoy some quiet time inside with our grandchildren. We’ll read books, built a tent in the livingroom, watched some tv and have lots of fun. All our granchildren are “too old” for taking a nap (although Grandma and Grandpa would like one) so I’ll pull out these two recipes and we get “crafty and creative.” I love being a Grandma!!!
Homemade Play Dough
2 Cups flour
1 Cup salt
2 ½ tsp cream of tartar
1 Tb vegetable oil
2 Cups water
Mix all the ingredients together in a large, heavy pot. (I use a whisk to get the lumps out.) Place over a medium-high heat and stir constantly until very thick – about 5 minutes. Cool enough to handle. Divide into 3 or 4 pieces. Knead in desired food coloring. Store in air-tight container or zip-lock bag.
Finger Paints
Stir 4 tablespoons of sugar and ½ cup cornstarch together in a heavy saucepan. Slowly add 2 cups of cold water and stir until soft (whisk works well for this). Heat over medium, stirring constantly, until the mixture is thick (it will thicken further as it cools). Pour a portion of mixture in one plastic container for each color wanted. Add food coloring for the desired shade and stir well.
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