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Ten Reasons I Camp

Why do I like to camp in national forests and grasslands? Here are my ten reasons to go camping:

  1. A big reason is camping is better than therapy.  Afterall, John Muir said like, “The wilderness is an antidote to the stress of modern life” and I concur.
  2. Another reason is discovering a quiet, two-lane road lined with the small towns and farms that are the foundation of my country.
  3. And than being wrapped in the absence of silence is a good reason.  Falling a sleep to the sound of the wind whispering secrets to the trees and waking to the cheery racket of an early bird and his friends are good reasons.
  4. Meeting new people with interesting stories to tell.
  5. Watching a sunset in a new place and sunrises over a landscape as old as time.
  6. The smell of a campfire and the squeals of my grandchildren discovering a fuzzy caterpillar crawling up a tree.
  7. Talking with a special someone in the glow of a campfire.
  8. Hearing the hoot of an owl or lonely howl of a distant coyote or wolf in the middle of the night and knowing I’m not alone.
  9. Discovering my country and its beauty.
  10. But my biggest reason is to escape the hustle-and-bustle of the modern technology-filled world.

    A gal and her dog - don't get much better.

    A gal and her dog – don’t get much better.

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Fred and Suzi Dow