Twin Lakes’ Pork and Mushroom Recipe
The chefs on television show “Chopped” have nothing on me when it comes to developing a recipe from unknown items. I don’t think I’m unusual in that defrosting a freezer isn’t a favorite activity. Therefore, my motorhome’s freezer can tend to get deeply encased in ice before I defrost it. It is rather satisfying once Read More >>
My Old Coffee Pot
My old coffee pot has seen better days but who hasn’t? I’ve been camping with it for probably 50 years. Oh, if this pot could talk, the stories it would tell. Tales about snowy mornings and tubby baths for children. Tales of an old sour dough shepherd dropping in for a visit and campfire sing-a-longs. Read More >>
In the Kitchen for Novice Campers
This article was first published in 2010 but its tips and suggestions are still current. You got to eat but, like every other activities associated with camping, meal planning and preparation while camping can seem daunting to the novice camper. The secret is K.I.S.S. (keep it simple silly) and a well stocked kitchen. One thing Read More >>
Biscuit recipe
How can you have a campfire and not make S’mores? How can you have meat sauce smothered spaghetti pasta without garlic bread? And how can you eat beef stew without biscuits? At least, that is how it is in my house, or motorhome. The S’mores and garlic bread are easy on a campfire but biscuits Read More >>
Trail Mix is a perfect snack
Trail mix comes in many varieties, both commercial and home-made but all have three traits: high energy snack; easy transportable source for protein; and, travels well. Trail mix goes back thousands of years and had these three traits. There are bunches of recipes for trail mix but one of the beauties of trail mix is Read More >>
A weekend of camping meals – easy and pleasing
The long Memorial Day weekend almost all over. A weekend of camping doesn’t mean a weekend of cooking. Here’s a menu of camping meals I came up with to minimize time at the stove. A disclaimer – breakfasts are not included in this plan. Dinner first night – Chicken Kebabs (serves 6) Mix ½ cup Read More >>