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360 degree awarenss while hiking

Hiking, or in my case, walking, is a great way to stay healthy.  We are fortunate to live near lots of great trails.  The San Pedro River’s corridor of trails is a favorite but we are always on the lookout of a new trail.  Whether an old familiar trail or brand new one,  every trail   Read More >>

Looking for Signs of Spring

Okay, the end of January may be a little early to be looking for any signs of springs but I am so ready!  There are two signs of Spring I look for each year and they generally happen within a week of each other:  lazy circling turkey vultures over the canyon; and, manzanita blooming on   Read More >>

Tips for Better Photo Memories

This article was published some eight years ago.  The tips given are still valid and might be helpful for your photo taking this time of year. ******************************************************** I was going through several photo albums the other day of my children.  It’s hard to believe they have children of their own.  The photos bring back a   Read More >>

Ralf brings joy

Found this as I was going through some old postings.  Hard to believe Ralf is probably pushing 18 years old.  Vet thought he was 1 or 2 years old when we adopted him in 2004.  He is now nearly totally deaf and mostly blind and a walk with him often feels more like a drag   Read More >>

Lots of new photo albums

We have thousands of individual photos on our Pictures page.  However, to streamline viewing we have started composing “photo albums.”  Each album is a grouping of photographs of the album’s subject.  Some albums are small while others are large.  A lot has to do with the things like time of day, weather conditions, and subject   Read More >>

AZ Hwy Photo tips

I’m not a professional photographer but do I enjoy trying.  That is why one of the Arizona Highway features I read faithfully is The Journal – Photography.  In the April 2010 issue was a brief question and answer piece with Bruce D. Taubert.  (Not familiar with the name?  Take a look at his work and   Read More >>

Picture taking tips from Olympus camera

I love to take photographs of the places we visit and the things we see.  However, I am still not very good.  This year I’m going to tryto apply these photo tips from Olympus camera folks in the hopes of improving.  (I’ll post some on this blog to show you my progress.) * When photographing landscapes,   Read More >>

Memories from Forest Travels

The updating of from the information received from the Forest Service has been completed!!!! Okay, there are some phone calls I’m waiting for to resolve a few remaining issues but the work is done!!! It felt like it was taking forever to get everything entered. The whole process is so boring but necessary. I’ve   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow