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national forest campgrounds

My new and improved First Aid Kit

Each year I go through our first aid kit. In the past, I just tossed the expired items and stuffed everything back into an old shoe box. This year I tried something new – I organized our first aid kit. After doing some research, I made a list and had our family doctor take a   Read More >>

Camping on a shoestring

The summer camping season is just beginning.  It is time to enjoy a Mother nature.  But  alittle short on cash and camping equipment? Never fear, here are some suggestions: Tent – You could borrow a tent from a friend or use the back seat of your car but think about these two alternatives: buy an   Read More >>

Hiking Trails for Walkers

The other day I asked a friend and avid hiker, “What’s the difference between hiking and walking?” He thought a minute and declared, “Hiking requires looking where you put your feet but with walking you don’t.” I like that definition and I like walking better the hiking. That preference is probably the result of my   Read More >>

Biomass and campgrounds – what’s the connection?

What is BIOMASS? and what does it have to do with campgrounds?  Simply put it is “plant materials and animal waste used as fuel.” Or, in other words, when you build your campfire from stuff collected around the campsite (twigs, leaves, branches, and such) that’s biomass. (Here’s a photo of fire-killed trees in the Deschutes   Read More >>

Nothing Fancy Spaghetti

Enjoyed a pleasant evening visiting with Jim Gorman, a contributing editor for Backpacker magazine, and John Molloy, author of 33 books on the outdoors, at Rucker Canyon Forest Camp in the Coronado National Forest. This is the yummy pasta dish Jim made for all of us. It was fun watching him create and making do   Read More >>

Always something New to discover in our national forests

You just never know what you’ll discover when exploring a national forest. I remember years ago, while researching the national forests in Arkansas, Fred and I discovered some petroglyphs on a wall under a rock ledge. (Actual size of the image was about that of a Barbie doll.) We felt like Columbus discovering America. We   Read More >>

Memories from Forest Travels

The updating of from the information received from the Forest Service has been completed!!!! Okay, there are some phone calls I’m waiting for to resolve a few remaining issues but the work is done!!! It felt like it was taking forever to get everything entered. The whole process is so boring but necessary. I’ve   Read More >>

A Campground with Cabins!

Found a very unique feature of the Allegheny National Forest’s Willow Bay campground – Cabins! In Willow Bay campground in the Allegheny National Forest, PA, along the eastern bank of the Allegheny Reservoir, are a dozen little cabins just waiting for the 2011 camping season. Just to give you a heads up, these are not   Read More >>

Crooked River National Grassland – good fun!

May 1 – Woke up to the natural quiet of Crooked River National Grassland’s Haystack Lake campground. What a wonderful sound! Yesterday, we rose to the hustle and bustle of Bend, OR and the sound of traffic on Rt 97 as well as hail falling on the rv’s roof. During the day, some guy on   Read More >>

Solitude – A precious thing

Anyone who has read some of my “stuff” might conclude my favorite campground or forest feature is solitude. They would be correct. I look for and enjoy solitude when and where I can find it. To me, experiencing solitude can “recharge my batteries” and completely adjust any negative manure going on in my life. While   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow