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Prescription for improved health – Walk

This past winter was not much fun for me.  Heck, last summer and fall weren’t all that great either.  My life seemed to be deep in the pits.  Than I was given the suggestion – WALK!  Don’t think.  Just walk and let Mother Nature do her magic. I have always liked to walk.  It was   Read More >>

360 degree awarenss while hiking

Hiking, or in my case, walking, is a great way to stay healthy.  We are fortunate to live near lots of great trails.  The San Pedro River’s corridor of trails is a favorite but we are always on the lookout of a new trail.  Whether an old familiar trail or brand new one,  every trail   Read More >>

Trails we have hiked and enjoyed

There are lots of books on the shelf for spectacular trails such as the Appalachian and Pacific Crest trails. There are books of lesser known and equally glorious hiking trails. The trails mentioned in these books beckon the young and athletic who enjoy while challenging their endurance. But there are also numerous hiking trails for   Read More >>

Looking for Signs of Spring

Okay, the end of January may be a little early to be looking for any signs of springs but I am so ready!  There are two signs of Spring I look for each year and they generally happen within a week of each other:  lazy circling turkey vultures over the canyon; and, manzanita blooming on   Read More >>

Hiking Season in SE Arizona

Although hiking weather in other parts of the country isn’t great, here in southeast Arizona, it is just about  perfect.  We are enjoying mostly mild weather, cerulean skies, gentle breezes, glorious sunset, and, yes, reduced snake activity.  The problem isn’t finding a hiking trail but  selecting one.  Here are some examples for a “good” problem.   Read More >>

Tips for Hiking Comfortably

If a characteristic of hiking is “watching where you put your foot,” I am definitely a Walker and no way a Hiker. I’m much to busy looking all around to be worrying about where my feet land. And, yes, my walking sticks have saved me from numerous disasters.  Anyway, IMHO, hiking is for sweet young   Read More >>

Take a Hike – Things to bring

What is the difference between hiking and walking? Well, Fred and I “walk” downtown and “hike” along the San Pedro River in Arizona every week or so. In other words, walking is a leisurely physical activity in a “civilized” environment while hiking requires more perspiration and sturdier shoes while enjoying the “natural” environment. When we   Read More >>

Care for your boots

Quality hiking boots is an investment. I have long held the opinion that one should invest their money in quality hiking boots.  After investing that much cash in this essential piece of outdoor gear, one should take care of it.  Here are some tips from Dave Page, REI’s go-to person for footwear repairs, and called   Read More >>

Knapweed – Pretty but harmful

Although it isn’t a major problem in this little corner of Arizona, there is one weed that has been spreading hate and destruction across the western States since the late 1800s. Its called Knapweed. There are several varieties and you’ve probably seen it along roadsides, next to pond, beside railroad tracks, and just about anyplace   Read More >>

Hiking Trails for Walkers

The other day I asked a friend and avid hiker, “What’s the difference between hiking and walking?” He thought a minute and declared, “Hiking requires looking where you put your feet but with walking you don’t.” I like that definition and I like walking better the hiking. That preference is probably the result of my   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow