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family vacations

Fly-fishing in Arizona?

When I say Arizona you might think Grand Canyon, Sedona, Painted Desert, maybe Spring training for baseball but not fly-fishing. Big mistake. Fred and I are not anglers (Fred even avoids the fish counter at our local grocery store) but the following list could also double for outstanding locations to enjoy Arizona scenery and quiet   Read More >>

Lovin’ Corinth cg

I met a man at the Louisville KOA who stays only in KOA Kampgrounds. I asked if he had every tried a national forest campground. He looked at me as if I had a second head and responded, “I need full hook-ups.” As I sit here in my spacious Corinth campground site, I send up   Read More >>

Good for How Long?

Time to put of old motorhome away for the winter and that means everything must be moved out.  Or does it?  Why can’t I leave some of the kitchen stuff in there?  It will be good for how long? Well, it turns out a lot of my pantry stuff can stay in the motorhome. Like   Read More >>

Giarda – No fun at all

Lyme disease, West Nile disease, and Poison ivy – these are just a few potential dangers you’ll find in the forest. Another problem that is becoming more common – Giardia.  Although more cases are being seen across the country each year, medical staff remain unfamiliar with this nasty intestinal bug.  Hope this articles helps you   Read More >>

Fire Ants – Beware!!!

As we leave the Southern Region behind, I have to say overall our time in the south has been good. The folks have been friendly and hospitable, even if the weather hasn’t been Chamber of Commerce. Yep, for the most part we enjoyed our time in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas.  However, one thing   Read More >>

Ecotourism – life blood for some

“Ecotourism” as defined by Michael Klesius, “is responsible travel to natural areas that conserve the environment and sustain the well-being of the local people.” He provided this definition in a September 2002 National Geographic article titled “State of the Planet.” When I read the definition of “Ecotourism” images of the plains of Africa, mysterious jungles   Read More >>

Notable Campground Dilemma

Each month in our newsletter we identify a “Notable” campground. In some ways, it’s the easiest part of writing the Newsletter. In other ways, it can be the most challenging. What makes one campground “notable” over others? This designation has lead to some heated debates between Fred and I. Here is one debate over Superior   Read More >>

Managing Increasing Gas Prices

Gasoline continues to be less than $2.50 in my corner of the country but I know other locations aren’t as fortune.  The following piece was first published June 1, 2009.  Even though the price of gas isn’t as high, the suggestions, tips, and advice provide still holds true. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Whether you drive a motorhome, truck,   Read More >>

Stretching eases the stiffness

There is, however, one lingering problem. My muscles seem to tighten up quicker now. This is especially true after a long drive in the motorhome. After sitting for a couple of hours everything hurts when I first start moving around. To combat this I’ve started stretching more often. If you share this problem with me,   Read More >>

Best NF Campgrounds in Arizona

After more than twenty years of crisscrossing this magnificent country, visiting 156 national forests and 20 grasslands, Fred and Suzi Dow have come to appreciate the diversity of recreational opportunities found in national forests and grasslands. When asked, “What is the best campground?,” their answer often is “Depends on what you want to do.” This   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow