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Camping experiences come in handing

  Reading through old post and came across this one from our early days as full-time campers.  Our motorhome was just a year or so old and we hadn’t had any real problems until the fateful Saturday.  BTW, the hot water heater has worked faithfully since we installed that new  thermal couple. ************************************************** Here’s my   Read More >>

Payne Lake campground – peace & quiet

This posting was first published in 9/30/2009.  That’s almost a decade ago!!!!  Well, we have a stop scheduled at Payne Lake Campground this summer.  It will be interesting to see if there have been many changes, like the fire ants have moved on.  As you can read, I thought it was a nice little campground   Read More >>

Home Remedies for Campers

Sometimes there just isn’t else but old-fashion, tried and true home remedies to take care of a problem.  Here are some I have found effective. Aching Back – Take a plastic zipper bag of crushed ice applied to the sore area two or three time a day for no longer than 20 minutes. After 2   Read More >>

Lovin’ Corinth cg

I met a man at the Louisville KOA who stays only in KOA Kampgrounds. I asked if he had every tried a national forest campground. He looked at me as if I had a second head and responded, “I need full hook-ups.” As I sit here in my spacious Corinth campground site, I send up   Read More >>

My Essentials Drawer

It maybe deep into January, but our thoughts wander to preparations for this year’s national forest/camping adventures.  Two things I like to do around this time is double check my first aid box and see if anything is missing in my “Essentials” drawer.  What’s an “Essentials” drawer?  Well, everyone has a “Junk Draw” in their   Read More >>

Camping Family’s First Aid Kit

There are first-aid kits commercially available in drug stores and outdoor equipment shops. These kits tend to be pricey and I’m never sure if it has all I might need in an emergency. The following is condensed from all my readings over the years and provides what I think are must first-aid kit items: Sunscreen   Read More >>

August 17, 1959 – earthquake!

There are dangers in the forests.  We recognize this. These dangers seem more like urban legend than reality. However, an earthquake caused scar on a mountain-side visible from US Route 287, in the Gallatin National Forest (MT) and just northwest of Yellowstone National Park, shows us, even in a place of such beauty, a terrible   Read More >>

What’s a vault?

Once upon a time we were asked, “What is a “vault? Isn’t it where the Forest Service puts important papers?” A reasonable question for someone unfamiliar with the vocabulary used by the Forest Service. For Fred and I it was the question that demonstrated a need for a glossary of terms to go with our   Read More >>

Shopping for a tent

Is it that time of year to consider the purchase of a tent?   Here is a case study for what you might be getting for a low price a new tent I’ll use an advertisement in a recent newspaper for a tent that looked to be a good buy. This tent had a 9×9 foot   Read More >>

Good for How Long?

Time to put of old motorhome away for the winter and that means everything must be moved out.  Or does it?  Why can’t I leave some of the kitchen stuff in there?  It will be good for how long? Well, it turns out a lot of my pantry stuff can stay in the motorhome. Like   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow