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Disperse Camping Guidelines

There are basically two types of camping opportunities available in your national forests: camping in a developed campground and dispersed (a.k.a. primitive or backcountry) camping. Dispersed camping opportunities are found outside developed campgrounds, in the forest or in an area designated Wilderness. A primary distinction between the two types of camping are there are no   Read More >>

Why National Forests?

Have you ever noticed how simple questions can lead to the longest answer? We were recently asked “Why National Forests?” Here are a dozen reasons to explain why Fred and I prefer camping in a National Forest and Grasslands: Elbow room to spare There is no need to worry if your neighbor might hear a   Read More >>

Simple, quick and easy recipes

The truth is not all cookbook are created equal. This is especially true for cookbooks written for camping. I want super and very simple recipes when I go camping. I keep looking but find each one incomplete and disappointing. A few weeks ago I picked up a copy of The Ultimate RV Cookbook and it   Read More >>

Dakota Prairie Grasslands – beautiful

The Dakota Prairie Grasslands combines four different grasslands.  Each is unique but all share the traits of vastness and grass.  Not as well–known as national parks or even national forests, national grasslands are wonderfully empty of hoards of people. Little Missouri National Grassland (NG) With it miles and miles of Badlands, Little Missouri NGis a   Read More >>

In the Kitchen for Novice Campers

This article was first published in 2010 but its tips and suggestions are still current. You got to eat but, like every other activities associated with camping, meal planning and preparation while camping can seem daunting to the novice camper.  The secret is K.I.S.S. (keep it simple silly) and a well stocked kitchen. One thing   Read More >>

Building a campfire and eating well

For a campfire, you need fuel (dead and down or store-bought wood), an ignition source (matches), and air (all around).  Sounds simple but there are some tricks that as a novice camper you might not realize.  One thing you’ll want is variety in the size of your kindling.  Look around and collect dry grass, twigs   Read More >>

Good night’s sleep means good time camping

Speaking as someone who has been camping for a long while, a good night’s sleep is essential to enjoying any camping adventure.  From buzzing bugs to an inadequate sleeping bag, there are a number of factors that can keep a camper from a good night’s sleep.  So what is a novice camper to do?  Element   Read More >>

Three Types of Camping Adventures

As the camping season gets underway, it seems to me camping adventures will fall into three general categories:  change of wallpaper; summer vacation; and, lifetime adventure. Let me clarify and give you examples. A Change of wallpaper adventure would be a mini-vacation, probably a weekend break in routine.   The destination, close to home, is simply   Read More >>

Hot Soup for a Cold Day

Is there anything better than a bowl of hot homemade soup on a cold day?  No matter were you are, at home or camping in national forest, cold weather calls for a bowl of hot homemade soup, thick with veggies, just as a day building snowmen calls for a mug of hot cocoa. I love this   Read More >>

Essential equipment

There are some items I consider to be essential equipment when camping.  Things like: a fan (the old-fashion wave-by-hand as well as electric fans), a stick of Afterbite (Fred and I must have be the main course for a wide variety of bugs), and a wide brim hat, to name just three. But on the   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow