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Salt Springs Pear Butter

Across the road from the Ocala NF’s  Salt Springs campground (located in central Florida) was a produce stand.  Boy, do we love produce stands!  We haven’t found a grocery store anywhere that can touch the delicious produce you can buy at a roadside produce stand and the Salt Springs’ stand was no exception.

We got a small basket of peaches (candy cane sweet and so delightfully juicy) and a half dozen over-ripe Bartlett pears.  The peaches were eaten as is but the pears were definitely pass that point.  No problem.  I pulled out my little crock pot (remember Salt Springs campground has full hookups) and made a batch of pear butter (same as apple butter but pears in place of apples.)  Here’s what I did:

Salt Springs Pear Butter
Peel, core, cut pears into small pieces (no bigger than a shelled almond) and place in the crock pot.  Add a splash of water (apple juice or apple cider can be used). 

Turn crock pot to highest setting.  When it starts to bubble around the edges, add 2 heaping tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, ½ teaspoon of ground cloves, 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, a pinch of ground nutmeg, and a dash of salt.  Stir well, mashing pear chunks in the process, to combine.  Give it a taste to see if more sugar is necessary. 

Reduce crock pot’s temperature to its lowest setting.  Cover but leave a crack to allow steam to escape and let cook two or more hours.  Test to see if butter is done by dropping a small dollop on the bottom of a glass or coffee cup.  If no liquid separates out, forming a little moat around the dollop, it’s done.  Allow to cool, fill glass jars with screw top lid, and store in refrigerator.  Serve on some hot biscuits or toast.  

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Fred and Suzi Dow