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Peppermint Cocoa Mix

There are some things that are essential to all my camping adventures and hot chocolate tops that list.  I feared, once diagnosed with a lactose intolerance, I would have to give up this camping essential.  But for joy, for joy, there is something about cocoa that allows my body digest milk.  Means hot chocolate remains   Read More >>

Cooking at Elevation – tips and tricks

I read a cookbook like some people read a Tom Clancey or Stephen King novel.  But none of my reading prepared me for cooking at elevation. Under-cooked chicken, over-cooked peas, gravy best suited for pothole repair, and biscuits that should have been registered with the local police authorities as weapons are a few of the   Read More >>

DIY Camper’s Cleaning Aids

For me, camping isn’t a vacation from cleaning.  I have a stash of cleaning aids to help me.  All are DIY (do it yourself) and most use the same products.   Now, I don’t mind getting dirty.  Personally, I like playing in mud but I draw the line at living in a dirty place.  Part of   Read More >>

Volunteers Needed

Every year dozens of volunteers contribute their time, knowledge, and muscles to our national forests.  They contribute hours upon hours of their personal time doing everything from wildlife surveys and manning fire lookouts to hosting campgrounds and doing general office work.  These people build and maintain trails, paint picnic, dig post poles, and so much   Read More >>

Bug Scrubber

I love rolling down the highway in our motorhome with my sweetie next to me and my puppies close by.  What I don’t like is the hundreds, maybe thousands, of bugs that get pasted to the front of the motorhome.  You might think the problem wouldn’t be so bad when the landscape is desert but   Read More >>

Not a fan

This is a posting I made more than eight years ago and am still waiting for answers.  Do you have any insight for me? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Each month Fred and I publish a newsletter.  One of the newsletter’s monthly features is a “Notable Campground” article.  I’m a little surprised no one has noticed a rarely a   Read More >>

Tips for Hiking Comfortably

If a characteristic of hiking is “watching where you put your foot,” I am definitely a Walker and no way a Hiker. I’m much to busy looking all around to be worrying about where my feet land. And, yes, my walking sticks have saved me from numerous disasters.  Anyway, IMHO, hiking is for sweet young   Read More >>

Lots of new photo albums

We have thousands of individual photos on our Pictures page.  However, to streamline viewing we have started composing “photo albums.”  Each album is a grouping of photographs of the album’s subject.  Some albums are small while others are large.  A lot has to do with the things like time of day, weather conditions, and subject   Read More >>

AZ Hwy Photo tips

I’m not a professional photographer but do I enjoy trying.  That is why one of the Arizona Highway features I read faithfully is The Journal – Photography.  In the April 2010 issue was a brief question and answer piece with Bruce D. Taubert.  (Not familiar with the name?  Take a look at his work and   Read More >>

Tuskegee National Forest

There are only two national forests with no developed campgrounds: Tuskegee in Alabama and Delta in Mississippi. A little background info on the Tuskegee NF. The land, purchased by the federal government between 1935 through 1938, was once one of the most eroded and abused territory in Alabama. Many restoration projects and changes occurred between   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow