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Charles Waters Campground

in the Bitterroot National Forest and convenient to Missoula, MT, Charles Waters Campground combines rustic luxuries with some wonderful trails.  The campground, once the outdoor laboratory for Dr. Charles Waters research on the life history and control of forest tree diseases, consists of a spur next to a large grass meadow and a loop passing through   Read More >>

Family Travel Tip

I can remember my days traveling in the backseat of our stationwagon.  A brother on either side of me, miles traveled and we still had miles to go.  In memory of the days I’m doing a series of “Family Travel Tip” blogs based on my time, as well as my children’s time, spent traveling via   Read More >>

Noteworthy Horsethief Lake campground, Black Hills NF (SD)

We consider Horsethief Lake campground to be a notable Forest Service campground in the Black Hills National Forest (NF).  The Black Hills NF, located in western South Dakota, has some great campgrounds but how do you pick one? There are several things we look for when selecting a noteworthy national forest campground. It should have basic   Read More >>

Tips for a relaxing camping trip

For many of us. a camping trip is as close to a vacation to Disneyland as we can get.  I mean, for many of us, unless we are staying at a relative house, the price of a motel room and eating out is not something we can manage comfortable. Now a vacation should be, by   Read More >>

Campfire safety basics

As the camping season approaches, we are remined a campfire can cause destructive wildfires. Wildfire destroy wide swaths of national forests and grasslands. The black stumps and scorched earth left by fires in national forests across the country are reminders we should always observe what Smokey Bear tells us and follow basic safety when in   Read More >>

Prairie Skies

A prairie is  a wonder to behold.  As Merriwether Lewis observed, “. . .one of the most beautiful and picteresk seens that I ever beheld.” Since the time Merriwether first saw this wonder of nature, prairies have been plowed, developed, overgrazed, and abused to the point only fragmented remnants of the original gralsslands remain.  Less   Read More >>

When camping in bear country

Wildlife viewing, ranging from birds to bears, is one reason people go the national forests.  It may be exciting to see a big old Black bear wander across a meadow or up a hillside.  But iIt is a completely different thing to have that wild bruin exploring your campsite. When camping in bear county here   Read More >>

Use less water camping

When I moved into my brick-and-stick house in southeast Arizona, a neighbor  really when you camp, desert and tropical landscape, water conservation is a way of life.  Here are some ways we stretch our water: Steam instead of boiling vegetables when possible.  Steaming requires less water and leaves more nutrients. Rinse produce in a basin   Read More >>

Use Your RV’s Freezer

In my opinion, one of the greatest  advantages of camping in a recreational vehicle is its freezer.   Here are somethings you can put away in cold storage: Milk – freeze in smaller containers that fit nicely into your freeze.  Give yourself at least 24 hours to defrost in refrigerator.  Given with the two of   Read More >>

Cowboy Dinner Tree Steakhouse – good eating

Fred grilled a very nice New York Strip steak for our dinner.  He does have a way with beef but, to be honest, he can’t touch the fantastic dinner we had at the Cowboy Dinner Tree Steakhouse.  The menu is brief.  You make your selection of either a hunk (as in the 26 plus ounce   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow