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Las Vegas to Big Pine, CA – a long drive

Look at a US map and you’ll not – getting from Las Vegas, NV to Big Pine, CA is a long drive.  About 160 miles across Nevada desert and maybe 90 miles up and over two mountain ranges, each with 7,000-plus mountain passes!  That’s 250 miles with less than a dozen gas stations and even   Read More >>

Camper’s Crisp for dessert

This Crisp is a perfect dessert after a day of hiking, swimming, and doingther  assorted camping related activities.  Loaded with fruit, this Crisp is what we need for dessert to finish off our dinner.  For my family, a Crisp is the  perfect ending to any day.  At home we might add a scoop of ice   Read More >>

Fly Fishing Festival in Ennis, MT

On Labor Day weekend each year, Ennis, MT, located on the banks of the Madison River, holds its annual Fly Fishing Festival. Lots of fly-fishing related stuff, such as equipment, demonstrations, along with lectures and art, as well as music and good food (the smoked trout pizza was amazing!). The Madison River, flows between the   Read More >>

Dixie in Yosemite National Park

Dixie is our little pink mascot and goes everywhere with us.  This year that includes a pass through Yosemite National Forest in California.  We drove through Yosemite so we could get to Stanislaus National Forest‘s Rt 108 corridor (they have one new and a renovated campgrounds) and research we needed to do. You might not   Read More >>

Holly Springs National Forest

The Holly Springs National Forest, in Mississippi, is only 154,654 acre but has 33 lakes ranging in size from 260 to 2 surface acres. Fourteen of these lakes have “improved” fish habitat  offering Smallmouth bass, bream, crappie and catfish to challenge a wide range of anglers.  Chewalla and Puskus lakes are two of the larger lakes and are   Read More >>

Fletcher View campground, Toiyabe NF (NV)

If I said, “Let’s go camping near Las Vegas, NV” would you in-vision this?  Probably not.  Most of us think Nevada is all dry, dusty, flat desert but this isn’t always the case.  There are some amazing lush riparian areas like the one in this photograph.  The campground is call Fletcher View and it is   Read More >>

You can prevent wildfires

Wildfire continue to destroy wide swaths of national forests and grasslands. The black stumps and scorch earth left by wildfires are reminders we should always follow basic wildfire safety when in the forest or on a grassland. Here are some of those basics: Scrape dead grass and other flammable materials away from campfire sites. Keep   Read More >>

Best Places to Canoe and Kayak on National Forests

In the past years, Fred and I have been focused on visiting and surveying developed campgrounds to post on  But now that we have completed our initial visits we are going to take time to take advantage of more our national forests offer, such as canoeing waterways.  I think the above mentioned Best Places   Read More >>

A Few Fishing Spots in some National Forests

There seems to be two types of anglers: those who know the best fishing spots and those looking for the perfect spot. After talking with Forest Service folks who know about fishing spots in the National Forests, our conclusion is the very best spots are 12 miles up a trail. However, the Forest Service folks   Read More >>

Our 1994 trip to Canada – Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia

  This “report” was written by Fred right after our 1994 trip to Canada. I think you will see Fred, our Golden Retriever, Tory, enjoyed the whole experience. It can safely be said, our ten days camping in Canada was where our current lifestyle began. From the beginning, it was our intent to concentrate on   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow