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Apache Trout campground

Located in the White Mountains of Arizona, near Springerville, is a super delightful campground for RV, tent, and car campers – Apache Trout.  A premium campground in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, this a campground, you will want experience.  If you want to take advantage of the campground’s full-hook-ups campsites, reservations are strongly recommended.

A leashed dog is a safe dog

(This is a blog I wrote years ago but think it is worth repeating every now and again.  As folks begin to start planning for their 2021 camping adventures, I want to repeat it as a reminder that a leashed dogs is a safe dog.  Stay safe.) The other day we received an email about   Read More >>

Dr. Seuss Lorax Forest is in South Carolina

In the heart of South Carolina’s Francis Marion National Forest is where the real Dr. Seuss Lorax Forest. Just off State Route 41, between Huger and Jamestown, SC, is a stand of Longleaf pine animated by a passing breeze and not a cartoon character. The trees are tall and full and oh so healthy. The   Read More >>

Cleaning Green

The COVID-19 pandemic had everyone staying put.  For me, one of the downsides of spending all that time seating around was I got to see just how dirty my motorhome was.  We didn’t clean it as thoroughly as usual when we got home in the Fall and it showed.  I looked at the products I   Read More >>


They are not the prettiest birds in the Southeast Arizona skies but they might be the most welcomed. To the citizens of Bisbee, March 15th is the day we celebrate the return of the Turkey Vultures (a.k.a. buzzards) and the arrival of Spring! They left months ago. Long before the freezing temperatures established residence. And   Read More >>

Salt Springs Pear Butter

Across the road from the Ocala NF’s  Salt Springs campground (located in central Florida) was a produce stand.  Boy, do we love produce stands!  We haven’t found a grocery store anywhere that can touch the delicious produce you can buy at a roadside produce stand and the Salt Springs’ stand was no exception. We got   Read More >>

Sledding Safety reminder

Even here in southeast Arizona snow brings out sleds and sledding safety is a concern.  Pictures of families sledding and skiing  bring smiles and we hope nothing happens to remove those great memories.  Here are a few tips we hope you remember to keeps everyone safe. Partner up when sledding Young children should not ride   Read More >>

Alternative to the Crowds and Congested Camping in a National Park

There is little doubt that national parks located west of the Mississippi River attract lots of visitors. According to the Department of Interior, national parks in this area received 331 million visits in 2017 and the number are only increasing year after year. Anyone who has visited a national park has experienced the cheek-to-jowl crowds   Read More >>

Coffee Filters – not just for making coffee

Space and weight are always a critical issue when camping. I, for one, hate to haul something (like a drop coffee maker) all over the countryside that has only one use. My aunt sent me this list of multiply uses for a coffee filters, none of which had I ever thought of.  Anyway, it got   Read More >>

My Old Coffee Pot

My old coffee pot has seen better days but who hasn’t?  I’ve been camping with it for probably 50 years.  Oh, if this pot could talk, the stories it would tell.  Tales about snowy mornings and tubby baths for children.  Tales of an old sour dough shepherd dropping in for a visit and campfire sing-a-longs.    Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow