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Alternative Outdoor Winter Activites?

National forests aren’t just for summer time camping. There is a whole lot of things you can be during the winter months. Many forests have dedicated “Snow Play” area and it seems there are always new trails being designated for snow-mobiles. Here are some alternative outdoor winter activities to think about trying after you are   Read More >>

Menu Planning Guidelines

At home or camping. Recreational vehicle galley or your kitchen’s range. The backyard bar-b-que grill or open campfire. Planning a menu for yourself and family is always pretty much the same – right? Well, not completely. Over the years, first as a tent camper and in my motorhome, I have probably made every culinary mistake   Read More >>

Simple and Easy Mult-grain Bread

Never been a big fan of the soft and mushy white bread you can buy in a grocery store. Back in my “Holly Homemaker” days, we would mix slices of that stuff (without crusts) with Elmer’s white glue to make gooey dough and shape into things used in making jewelry. IMHO, that is about the   Read More >>

My Top Picks for National Forest Campgrounds – Montana

National Parks, such as Glacier and Yellowstone, beckon many tourists to Montana to see and experience their wonders. But there is much more to this state with a big sky and breathtaking beauty. And there is no place better to see and enjoy the wonders of Montana than in one of its nine national forests.   Read More >>

Let them eat snack cake

I like to bake but not a great fan of dish-washing. My mother didn’t like dishes, either. Here are a couple of my mom’s recipes that are easy to make, taste great, and present minimal clean up. Prefect for an after school snack or when you want a not-to-sugary snack. Both serve 9. Spice Snack   Read More >>

Thinning = healthier forest?

This article was rewritten back in 2009 and the question still hasn’t been answered.  However, wildfires in Northern Arizona, where the thinning sighted was tried, weren’t anywhere as badly damaged as the forests in California were no thinning was applied.  What’s your opinion?  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A couple months ago, the Arizona Daily Star had an article   Read More >>

Pinyon Pine – Bearer of a delicious nugget

If the Ponderosa pine outlines the American West, then the Pinyon pine marks the limits of the Southwest’s high desert. Pinyon trees are found throughout the Southwest, ranging across the Southwest’s Four Corners region to Nevada and California at elevations generally between 4,500 to 7,500 feet, although they can be found up to 9,300 feet   Read More >>

Game for home, campground, and car

Here’s a twist on the old “I Spy” game (the reliable long trip traveling in the car game) that is good for a rainy camping afternoon or a yucky winter’s day adapted from the No Time for Flash Cards blog. Take a glass or plastic jar and full about 3/4 full with uncooked rice.  Now   Read More >>

A Campground with Cabins!

Found a very unique feature of the Allegheny National Forest’s Willow Bay campground – Cabins! In Willow Bay campground in the Allegheny National Forest, PA, along the eastern bank of the Allegheny Reservoir, are a dozen little cabins just waiting for the 2011 camping season. Just to give you a heads up, these are not   Read More >>

Crooked River National Grassland – good fun!

May 1 – Woke up to the natural quiet of Crooked River National Grassland’s Haystack Lake campground. What a wonderful sound! Yesterday, we rose to the hustle and bustle of Bend, OR and the sound of traffic on Rt 97 as well as hail falling on the rv’s roof. During the day, some guy on   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow