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Jane’s Oyster Crackers

Fred’s mother, Jane, had a shoebox full of good recipes but her Oyster Crackers recipe is one of my most favorite.  Warning: they are habit forming.  I’ve been known to “dress-up” these little nuggets of yum by adding raisins and/or mini-chocolate chips which makes the perfect for any hike and day shopping.  Here I used   Read More >>

Why are there national forests?

Why do we have national forest? The need for national forests, known in the beginning as Reserves, was recognized as the industrial age destroyed our land and watershed.  It may be hard for us today to envision the area now known as George Washington-Thomas Jefferson National Forests as bare and treeless and dotted with unproductive   Read More >>

Guidelines for Disperse camping

There are basically two types of camping in your national forests.  You can camp in a developed campground or disperse camp outside developed campgrounds. One difference between the two is there is often a fee to camp in a campground and none if you disperse camp.  Also when you disperse camp there are no facilities,   Read More >>

Camping experiences come in handing

  Reading through old post and came across this one from our early days as full-time campers.  Our motorhome was just a year or so old and we hadn’t had any real problems until the fateful Saturday.  BTW, the hot water heater has worked faithfully since we installed that new  thermal couple. ************************************************** Here’s my   Read More >>

Payne Lake campground – peace & quiet

This posting was first published in 9/30/2009.  That’s almost a decade ago!!!!  Well, we have a stop scheduled at Payne Lake Campground this summer.  It will be interesting to see if there have been many changes, like the fire ants have moved on.  As you can read, I thought it was a nice little campground   Read More >>

Morel Mushrooms – yummy

As a results of last year’s 41 Complex and Saddle Complex wildfires, which burned more than 47,000 acres on the Bitterroot and Salmon-Challis national forests, conditions are expected to provide a bounty of morels mushroom.  This means you, private citizen, can pick up to five gallon per day or 20 gallon for the season of   Read More >>

Take a Hike – Things to bring

What is the difference between hiking and walking? Well, Fred and I “walk” downtown and “hike” along the San Pedro River in Arizona every week or so. In other words, walking is a leisurely physical activity in a “civilized” environment while hiking requires more perspiration and sturdier shoes while enjoying the “natural” environment. When we   Read More >>

Cooking with old friends for family

Two of life’s greatest comforts – Hugs and Good food. My husband walked into the kitchen while I was at the stove and asked, “ Wha’ch doing?” “Making tomato sauce,” was my response. “That’s a lot of work.  Why bother when that stuff from a jar is okay?” He’s right.  Making tomato sauce from scratch   Read More >>

Fly-fishing in Arizona?

When I say Arizona you might think Grand Canyon, Sedona, Painted Desert, maybe Spring training for baseball but not fly-fishing. Big mistake. Fred and I are not anglers (Fred even avoids the fish counter at our local grocery store) but the following list could also double for outstanding locations to enjoy Arizona scenery and quiet   Read More >>

Home Remedies for Campers

Sometimes there just isn’t else but old-fashion, tried and true home remedies to take care of a problem.  Here are some I have found effective. Aching Back – Take a plastic zipper bag of crushed ice applied to the sore area two or three time a day for no longer than 20 minutes. After 2   Read More >>

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Fred and Suzi Dow