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My Old Coffee Pot

My old coffee pot has seen better days but who hasn’t?  I’ve been camping with it for probably 50 years.  Oh, if this pot could talk, the stories it would tell.  Tales about snowy mornings and tubby baths for children.  Tales of an old sour dough shepherd dropping in for a visit and campfire sing-a-longs.  Oh, so many memories.  And many more to come.

My old coffee pot

Just a reminder – water does not boil at 212 degrees everywhere.  So, if you want to make coffee from grounds, adjust you perking time to account for 196 degree water (that’s were water boils at about 10,000 ft) or, do like me, switch to tea.

My mother used it to make coffee in this pot before she got one of those new “space-age” glass percolators.  I must say, mother made the worse coffee ever served and mine isn’t much better.  Good thing my family were always tea drinkers.  FYI:  If you drop into our camp, Fred will be making the coffee 🙂

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Fred and Suzi Dow