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Tips for skin care and more

Here are some ideas I have found helpful when we are out and about in the Great Outdoors.

Lunch Box – Sometimes, as treat and to avoid the cost of eating out, we’ll have a “TV dinner.” The other day, as I started to toss the plastic plate, an idea flashed! For “containing” a picnic lunch I could use a couple of those plates! Here’s what I did: One dish, used as the bottom, gave me compartments for a sandwich, a cookie for dessert, and some veggie sticks with dipping sauce. The second dish went on top, which I held in place with a rubber band (tape probably would have worked too). Repeat for Fred’s lunch, substituting potato chips for veggies. Then I packed both lunches in my reusable grocery bag. Brilliant! If I do say so myself.

Beat the Heat – Got this idea from Toiyabe NF rec person. Now didn’t I think of it? You take an old tired T-shirt and cut off the sleeves. (Yes, the T-shirt is still wearable.) Soak one sleeve in cool water, wring it out, and slip on to your head. I’ll use mine as a headband, holding my hair away from the face. The second sleeve is kept it ice chest as a switch out or for Ralf.

Skin Care – In a prefect world, camping would be good for your skin. Unfortunately, in the real world, camping can leave your skin dry and flaky, feeling tired and tight. Here are two treatments I found useful.

Nothing is better than a coating of a good moisturizer with a minimum SPF 15 at the start of your day. But a yogurt mask before bed might be a close second. Just take a dollop of whatever yogurt you have on hand and apply to your face, neck, hands, anyplace that needs a little TLC. Give it about five minutes while you relax and then rise with cool to warm clear water. You’ll feel ready to take on the world.

The second treatment will require you to grab an extra packet of sugar when get your takeout coffee. I prefer using liquid soap but this trick works well with any type of soap. Sprinkle a little sugar into a soapy palm. Work into the lather and give yourself a sugar scrub. Again rise with cool to warm clear water. I love using this sugar scrub on tired feet and flaky elbows. AAAH, it does feels nice.

Soothing – Enjoyed too much sun and/or wind? Soak a soft cloth in milk, wring out, and apply to irritated skin. Chamomile tea also works nicely and will soothe the itch of poison ivy. Don’t forget to rinse well with cool water.

A word of caution – Stay away from skin products with lots of fragrance. Sweet smelling floral scents will attract unwanted attention those creepy, crawly critters especially from mosquitoes, bees, and flies.

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Fred and Suzi Dow