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Home Remedies

When out and about in a new place or someplace where medical attention isn’t easy to get and the problem doesn’t seem yo be life threatening, I’ll try some more “home remedy” things to resolve my problems, such as:

Constipation: If the old reliable of five prunes doesn’t work, drink 8 oz unfiltered aloe vera juice mixed with apple juice. In addition, water will help get things moving.

Stress Headache: Eat more foods like spinach, nuts, and beans that are high in magnesium. Don’t forget, refined sugar can cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar, so reduce or eliminate.

Menstrual Cramps: Sip some ginger tea at the first twinge of cramps to help reduce the discomfort. Also, eating foods rich in omega-3, like walnuts and fatty fish, will, over time, help reduce discomfort.

Muscle Soreness: Simmer a 1-inch unpeeled piece of fresh ginger in 4 cups of water for about 20 minutes. Let cool. Dip a cloth in the ginger water and wring out. Lay cloth over sore muscle for about 5 minutes. Repeat as needed. Along with being a tummy soother, ginger is an anti-inflammatory so helps ease pain and swelling.

Achy Feet; Steep 1 gallon of hot water with 5 chamomile tea bags for 10 minutes. Option: Add 4 to 6 drops of essential oil (lavender is my preference). Let cool to comfortable temperature. Dip your feet in and relax. A foot massage with a favorite lotion is the best way to end this treatment.

Bug Bite Soother: Dampen a tea bag (I’m a devoted tea drinker so always have a wet tea bag at the ready after breakfast and dinner) and pop into freezer or ice chest. When needed, take frozen tea bag(s) out and place on top of bug bite. Keep it on the bite for no more than 5 minutes. The reason it works is because: cold dulls the itch; and, tea’s tannins ease inflammation. My tips is to freeze a bunch of individual tea bags before camping trip and keep in ice chest for when needed.

Runny nose: Fermented foods, such as yogurt, miso, and sauerkraut, help to boost your immune system and reduce the length you might suffer with a runny nose Tip: Avoid dairy products as they can make runny nose worse with increased mucus production.

A sick friend
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Fred and Suzi Dow