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Entertaining children while camping

An unknown creek in Beaverhead NF

An unknown creek in Beaverhead NF

Frankly, when camping with my grandchildren, all I need to do is find a clear flowing creek with a sandy bottom and they are entertained for hours.  I think they are all part waterbug.  But here are some other ways I have found that do entertain those children when on dry land:

– An inexpensive drop clothe (available in most big box stores) and an assortment of chalk, tape, paint, whatever.  The drop clothe is a great canvas for lots of ideas like using pieces of electric tape as roadways and the chalk to drawing in trees, lakes, houses, and such.  Or use tape, chalk, paint to way out a game such as hopscotch or a checker board (pine cones and rocks are the playing pieces).
– Take a nature hike.  A nature hike is like a regular hike except you look under things, inside things, and around things.
– Find the pictures in clouds.  Love this activity.  Use the inexpensive drop clothe and stretch out.  Spend sometime just enjoying the sky and your time together.
– Paint a rock.  Use magic markers, crayons, pencils, paints and create.  It is amazing what can be seen in a rock.

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Fred and Suzi Dow