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Clothespin Crafts

When the weather is miserable and winter never-ending, I bring out my crafts box.  A personal favorite is being creative with clothes pins

I’ve long been a fan of clothes line driers and those clip-style clothespins.  (Here in Arizona, it is so dry, it seems a shame to use an electric clothes drier but that’s just my opinion.)  Two things I always have around the house are clothes to wash and clothespins.  So, when I needed some easy craft to entertain a youngster.

Refrigerator Magnetic Craft

clothes pin craft

clothes pin craft

Collect your clothespins, household glue, sheet of thin magnetic, and stuff to decorate.

Glue a strip of magnetic to one side of the clothespin.

Let dry.

clothes pin craft

decorated clothes pin craft

Once dry, decorate to your heart content.

When satisfied with the clothespin’s appearance, apply to refrigerator.

Bugs-off Scarf Clips Craft

My friend’s clips were much more colorful and art was more abstract then mine.  His grandma used them a picnic dinner that night and loved them.

Can you see the flies?  These flies are okay.

clothes pin craft

Bugs-off Scarf

There are a lot more clothespin crafts on the Internet like:




and Snack bag butterflies.

Image result for snack bag butterflies

For these you’ll need a Snack size ziplock bags, pipe cleaners, clip style clothes pin, and a favorite snack.  Put the snack goodies in the snack bag and seal the bag.  Seperate the goodies in the bag and gather the bag in the middle.  Use the clothes pin to secure the gathers.

One of the delights of this year’s travels is we get to spend some time with our grandson and will spend a couple of days camping, sans their parents. Along with being sure we make foods they like, I think it would be a good idea to have some activities and crafts at-the-ready. Clothespin crafts are a good reliable fall back.

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One thought on “Clothespin Crafts”

  1. Levonne says:

    That's a cool idea for making fridge magnets. Thanks. I love it.

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Fred and Suzi Dow