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Camping experiences come in handing


Reading through old post and came across this one from our early days as full-time campers.  Our motorhome was just a year or so old and we hadn’t had any real problems until the fateful Saturday.  BTW, the hot water heater has worked faithfully since we installed that new  thermal couple.


Here’s my weekend:  As I was putting Saturday’s dinner on the table, Fred, who was washing his hands, yelled, “Where’s the hot water!?!?!?”

I thought, “Wait a minute while I check my pockets.” but instead checked the kitchen faucet.  Fred was right, the hot water was missing.  Even full bore the hot water was only lukewarm!

Fred, my resident handyman and worker of amazing feats, went out to check the hot water heater.   “The pilot light is out,” he announced, “and I can’t get it to re-light.”

Oh well, Fred does have his limits but I knew he’d come up with a solution.  And he did.  He called a plumber – on a Saturday at dinner time.  They weren’t enthusiastic.  In fact, they seemed pretty discouraging.  The second one diagnosed they problem over the phone – the thermal couple was shot.  Seems this is a common occurrence in our unit.  The part would have to be ordered – ON MONDAY!   Damn Sam!!!  Sunday Monday and the manufacturer confirmed the diagnoses and, since our unit was still under warranty, promised to the placement out on Monday.  We should get it Tuesday.  So I have three more days with no hot water – UGH!

Okay, there are no problems just challenges to overcome.  We have guests for Sunday brunch and then to watch the USA vs Canada Hockey game but all the food is prepared and ready.  I had planned on washing my hair before our guest arrive but that while have to wait.

BTW, Sunday morning, we woke to about half-inch of snow on the ground and slush falling from the sky all day.  The water from our faucet was only slightly above freezing.

Kettles and pots to the stove top and at the ready!  One soup pot and tea kettle make enough boiling water for a quick bath in the tub (using the three-step camping technique of getting damp, soaping down, and rinsing).  Dirty dishes need two soup pots (one to wash and separate one to rinse).  I’m working on a plan for washing my hair.  And we are going with hand-cleaner stuff like champs.  Year of camping experience is helping us meet the challenge and appreciate all the more our modern conveniences.

We are *so* looking forward to that part arriving tomorrow!

NYC snowman

In the meantime, we are thankful we didn’t have to haul water from a hand pump as we do when camping, our power is still on and our snow will be long gone before the hot water heater’s part arrives.  I mean, imagine our adventure in this guy’s neighborhood.  (See more of his Central Park friends at the Westside Independent blog.  So creative.)

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Fred and Suzi Dow