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A Manly Steak Sandwich

photo from Pioneer Woman blog

The Pioneer Woman blog (you may have seen a program by the same name on the Food Channel) has an assortment of topics and articles tabs.  My favorite topic tab is for her recipes.  One of those recipes is Marlboro Man Sandwich and it has to be tried!

First, it uses cube steak which almost always has been reduced by my local grocery store’s manager so it is often a lot cheaper than top grade hamburger.  Next, this sandwich is so  hearty.  And last, so delightfully easy.  Please, do yourself a favor and try Dee’s recipe.  Tip:  Invest in good quality, hearty bread or rolls.

If preparing over a campfire, have the coals under your skillet in the 350 to 400 degree range.  One method to determine temperature is to hold your hand or the inside of your wrist close to the cooking surface and count 1001, 1002, and so on until the heat becomes unbearable.  If you get to the 1004 to 1006 range, your coals are somewhere between 350 and 400.

Fred likes sauteed green pepper, and dislikes onions, while I’m the opposite, so I cook up the vegetables separately and pile them on at the end.   This sandwiches is also good with a slice of Swiss cheese melted on top. 

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Fred and Suzi Dow