Recipes from Bye-gone Days
While visiting a Pike National Forest’s district office I came across a booklet titled “Pioneer Cooking and Recipes.” Always curious about the techniques, tips and treats of earlier homemakers, I started scan this booklet. I’ll admit it is doubtful I will every try some of the recipes . Indian Bean Bread and Venison Mincemeat being just two. But the Cornmeal Fritters and Johnny Cake sounded good.However, what really caught my eye were the “recipes” for Household Cleaner and Furniture Polish. Here they are:
To make Household Cleaner pour 1/2 gallon water in a large container and mix in 1/2 cup vinegar, 1 cup ammonia, and 1/4 cup baking soda. When mixed thoroughly, add enough water to make 1 gallon. Stir well and use as needed. DO NOT use on real wood products.
For Furniture Polish, mix 1 quart hot water, 1 tablespoon turpentine, and 3 tablespoon boiled linseed oil (available at most hardware stores) in a large can with a lid. Cover and store in a cool place. Reheat in can to use by setting can n a pot of hot water.