Some of the Sights Around Sedona, Arizona

Sedona Arizona is no longer the sleepy little community it once was. Today, tourists line the streets and the homes of residents are tucked away in canyons and arroyas from the main cluster of businesses. But never fear -- the fantastic scenery is being preserved. There are commercial tour available that specialize in off-road style routes but several of the Scenic Drives are well-suited to the family sedan. (Check with the Forest Service or Visitor Center for information and maps.) We "did" Red Rock Loop and Boynton Pass Loop with the interesting Palatki Ruins and Red Cliff Rock Art sites. Here are some of our pictures.

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Trail to Palatki Ruins and Red Cliffs Rock Art sites
Palatki's box canyon
Layers of Sandstone
A corner
Closer look
Man and Nature provide shelter
Holes for support beams
Inside corner
Attic storage
Rock of many Chimneys
Red Cliff Rock Art - Goats?
Red Cliff Rock Art - Goats?
Red Cliff Rock Art - Goats?
A Sedona panorama

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